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Criteria of the Brand Sound



Brand Sound criteria:

  • unique
  • brand conform
  • precise
  • recognizable
  • flexible
  • systemic
  • scalable
  • user-friendly
  • proprietary
  • protectable
  • efficient

Audio communication is the primary form of human communication and thus is of great importance for the perception and emotional power of the brand. The possibilities for the application of audio in brand communication are increasing dramatically. With the appearance of voice assistance, brand communication becomes more interactive and especially more auditory. In the future it will be even more important for a brand which kind of voice it speaks. However, this is not going to happen in empty space, but in designable soundscapes. Brand sound becomes an indispensable dimension of customer experience. Audio branding is not a one-time project, but an ongoing task of brand management. Addressing brands still without a sound strategy of their own: Now is the time to act.

Audio branding is not a one-time undertaking, but an ongoing brand management task. For brands without a strategy for their sound, the time to act is now at the latest.

Excerpt 6/6 from RADIOZENTRALE’s Audio Branding Guide.
Author: Cornelius Ringe.

Read part 1/6 here.
And part 2/6 here.
And part 3/6 here.
And part 4/6 here.
And part 5/6 here.